"I've enjoyed your piano tuning and repair course very much. One week after I received my diploma, I tuned a piano for a local preacher and also replaced a string. The easiest $75.00 I ever made! I was very happy with it and he told me he knew of churches that could use my services. I guess...
Now with more tools! Click here to see the extra tools that come with the course.
Receive a $200 discount when you order all 10 lessons and tools at the same time. We will also include a free copy of Barry Bradshaw's book “How to Earn $200,000 a Year Tuning Pianos”. This book is an extra $30 value giving you an overall discount of $230 !!!
Tools provided: Regulation Tuning Lever, Stick Mutes and Wedge Mutes.
In the first lesson you learn about basic piano construction. You also will start tuning unisons. This is the tuning of the two or three strings which form a single note and how they are tuned with one another. This lesson is the basis or foundation for future lessons.
"I am a woman who took your course 15 years ago. It has been a wonderful occupation for me. I am my own boss, choose my own hours, and experience no stress at all in the piano work. Best of all, it takes me only one hour to tune a piano for which I get paid a fee of $75.00. The course pays for itself in about 6 or 7 piano tunings. Thank you for an opportunity that has made a real difference in my life."
Satisfied student from California.
In the second lesson you advance to the tuning of two notes that are an Octave apart - all of the A's, B's, etc. You will also start learning about intervals and the relationship one note has to another. You will become familiar with the 12 notes of the piano keyboard.
Tools provided: Standard Tuning Fork, Temperament Felt Mute.
This lesson teaches how to set one group of notes, which forms the basis for tuning all the remaining notes. A standard tuning fork sets the standard for the entire piano.
"It may interest you to know that word has gotten out locally that I was working on this course and I have been literally besieged with orders to tune pianos when I am ready. One such offer was from the school district with an additional incentive that, if interested, I could be given tuning jobs for many of the school districts of Southwestern Alaska."
Satisfied student from Alaska.
In this final lesson on tuning you learn to tune the treble section which requires some special training. When you have completed the above four lessons, you will be able to tune a piano. In this lesson, tips on deep bass notes are included to make tuning of these notes easier. The subject of electronic tuning equipment is also covered. Illustrations of and descriptions of various strobe tuners are provided.
Tools and parts provided: Capstan Regulators, Punchings, Key Dip Gauge, Jack Springs.
To perform smoothly the action or the moving parts of a piano must be properly adjusted and regulated. Different types of pianos have different types of actions. Actions described include the Spinet, Upright, Drop and Grand. The student will learn how to adjust each type of piano action. Replacement of key felts and leveling of the key board are also covered. Pictures and illustrations of piano actions are included as well at the basic regulating tools required for action regulation .
"I've enjoyed your piano tuning and repair course very much. One week after I received my diploma, I tuned a piano for a local preacher and also replaced a string. The easiest $75.00 I ever made! I was very happy with it and he told me he knew of churches that could use my services. I guess I'm on my way. Thank you very much."
-Satisfied student from Georgia.
Parts provided: Bridle Straps, Damper and Hammer Springs, Butt Felts, Shanks and Sleeves.
Piano parts wear out and sometimes break or suffer moth damage. The tuner-technician must know how to repair or replace damaged or worn-out parts. Here you learn how to deal with worn felts, broken keys, broken strings and other damage and wear.
"I would like to personally take this time to thank you for the course. I have had great success with my new career. I am really doing well and have plenty of business."
Satisfied student from Louisiana
Tools and parts provided: Flange Bushing Tools, Flanges & Center pins, Key Buttons, Key & Flange bushing felt.
Most of the moving parts of a piano action are attached to a flange which is a combination of metal pins pivoting in felt. This lesson covers the replacement of this felt, a process called rebushing. Also included are the repair and rebushing of the keys, and the replacement of ivory key tops.
"I would like to say that I greatly enjoyed the course. It was formatted nicely, easily understood, and extremely informative. It was well worth the time and money invested."
Satisfied student from New Jersey.
This important lesson deals with special major repairs such as complete restringing, sound board repairs and felt hammer replacement. Voicing of the felt hammers and how to order and measure piano strings is covered. In addition, this lesson describes how to secure piano tuning jobs and how to conduct a successful piano tuning business. A list of Piano Supply houses, where you can order parts and supplies at wholesale prices is included as well as information about the Piano Technician's Guild.
The old Square Grand piano, while not too common, still exists and may be encountered at any time. They have special tuning, regulation and repair problems which are well covered in this lesson. A special section is added on general piano repairs with a host of tips and short cuts that can save time and money.
Parts provided: Plastic Elbows, Center Pins and Spinet Jacks.
This last lesson covers the regulation of the Direct Blow and Pratt-Read actions. Another piano, the old Mason Hamlin has special tuning pins which are illustrated and described in detail. The plastic-elbow of the Pratt-Read drop action is a very important and profitable repair job which is covered in detail.
"It was 25 years ago that I received my Piano-technician diploma from your school. So far it has brought me a lot of pleasure, friends and respect as a piano technician, as well as a source of income."
Satisfied student from Ontario, Canada.
For an additional $925 you can add the Peterson AutoStrobe 490-ST tuning machine to your order.
Click here to download the Peterson AutoStrobe 490-ST brochure.
Peterson AutoStrobe 490 Tuner.
Peterson AutoStrobe 490-ST Tuner
AutoStrobe Carrying Case
AutoStrobe Dual Footswitch
AutoStrobe Single Footswitch